Author Archives: Kimber Johnson

Kimber Johnson

About Kimber Johnson

Kimber Johnson is the co-founder of Pacific App Design. Kimber has worked within the web development, graphics design, mobile application development, marketing and advertising fields for over 17 years.

Supercharge Your Marketing with Geolocation

Businesses have more opportunity than ever to understand what their customers want and how to give it to them.  Mobile location services allow to businesses to develop programs to cater to their customers in ways they never could before and savvy marketers are turning location based data into improved customer experiences.

Mobile geolocation can help you interact with customers in a better fashion then you were able to in the past. Geolocation data can help you understand what your customers doing.  This will allow you to better engage customers by being able to give them relevant, meaningful experiences. By doing this you will be able to strengthen the relationship between your brand and customers.

Turn location based data into improved customer experiences

Turn location based data into improved customer experiences | Photo: William Hook (Flikr)

This will also allow brands to better respond to changes in the market over time.

In studies, around 55% of consumers responded that it would be useful to receive marketing promotions on their smartphone while in a store. With an established data program and beacon technology you can now deliver just the right message at exactly the right time and place as customers are in your store.

Make sure you give your application users the opportunity to opt-in or out of your program and vary the amount of participation they are interested in being involved with. Customers are often interested in improving their shopping and app experiences and will allow you to track certain activities if the data is protected and used to deliver more relevant content. Tell your users what data you will collect and how you will collect it. Don’t forget to tell them the benefits of allowing you to this info, like being able to personalize content. People always respond more favorably to requests if you tell them why you are doing something.

Before you can do anything you will need to begin by collecting data. Start with a plan. What data do you want to collect? Do you know how or if you can? Talk to your iPhone application developer or Android application developer about what type of data you can collect and how best to plan ahead for a program that is data driven. Companies that commit to understanding their customer can learn how to improve processes from the user’s perspective.

Once you start collecting data you can provide timely and relevant communications and offers. You will be able to customize your marketing to each customer’s needs as revealed by their movements and your data collection. Use this data to provide an enhanced, enjoyable shopping experience tailored especially for them – let the customer’s data help create the customer experience you provide.


What’s all this talk about DATA?

Over the past several years you have heard mobile application developers talking about using data.

In the past market research may have seemed out of range to many SMBs, but mobile devices have changed the equation.

As the mobile market is maturing users are expecting more and more from their mobile devices and the best way to give them more is by using the data they create using their mobile devices.

Users are expecting more and more from their mobile devices

Users are expecting more and more from their mobile devices | Photo: tec_estromberg (Flikr)

But how do you utilize data for your app?

First of all, you must collect it.

If you want to create a successful mobile marketing program around your mobile application then need to make sure that you deliver the right message, whether push notifications, native content, or other to just the right person. This is where most businesses and mobile applications miss the mark. Without gathering the appropriate data you will not be able to deliver the proper content.

Before you begin your mobile application development project, talk to your iPhone application developer or Android application developer about the data you would like to be able to collect and how you would like to be able to utilize it to personalize your messaging.

What information should you collect?

Start with the basics, asking for demographic information may not seem exciting but it can be very useful when creating campaigns.

Next keep record the device and OS. While this may not seem particularly useful, you will need to segment groups for campaign delivery. Nothing tells your audience you aren’t paying attention faster than announcing a new Android update is available to iOS users or vice versa.

This is the easy stuff, now you need to move on to user events.  Events are user behaviors you want to track. These are made up of items such as screen opens, button clicks, etc. This will help you determine how users are utilizing your application. What screens are opened and which are never touched?

How are users interacting with your messaging? Did they open it? Click on it? Before sending new messages to a user it would help to track previous responses.

By collecting this information you will be able to deliver messaging to your user base that meets their interests and is seen as an asset rather than a nuisance. Additionally you will be able to refine your application to how your customers use it.


3 Ways To Developing A Better In-app Mobile Advertising Program

Not only have people embraced mobile but businesses have as well.

Businesses around the globe have seen the value and we are seeing a big shift in where ad dollars are being spent. While the amount spent on desktop ads is currently higher, eMarketer expects the amount spent on mobile ads to be double of desktop ad spending withing two years.

Within the mobile realm, it has become clear that users prefer mobile applications to the mobile web.

It has become clear that users prefer mobile applications to the mobile web

It has become clear that users prefer mobile applications to the mobile web | Photo: Luke Ma (Flikr)

Research has shown that users spend significantly more time using mobile apps than they do on the mobile web. Brands are increasing budgets for in-app ads and we are going to see tremendous growth in this area over the upcoming years.

But how do you take advantage of this trend? You plan ahead.

A mobile app will take time to develop and gain traction. You need to look forward to the time when your app will be on the market. Take a good look at trends so that you aren’t left offering something that was out of style before you even stated. Talk to you iPhone application developer or Android application developer about the trends they are seeing as well as they are on the front trenches and will be a wealth of information.

Prepare to capture data

What does the user do after they install the app? Do they purchase goods? Read reviews? Share content? As the market for in-app advertising grows and matures advertisers will want this data. The more you can offer to advertisers in terms of data the better.

Consumers want interactivity

Look for growth in terms of interactive ads.  Why? Because they are more effective with higher click through rates. Many of these interactive ads give users controls with the ad which makes them stand out due to being fresh and new. For instance, some new ads even offer game play. Brands are looking for opportunities to advertise where they get results.

Marketers want automation

Marketers want to be able to buy ad space in an efficient and automated way. Create an interface to allow your advertisers to easily buy ad space and control their advertising. We have all gotten used to convenience and marketers are no different. Offering an easy way to interact with your advertising can be the difference between you and other apps that makes the difference to ad buyers.


5 Tips to Capturing the Interest of Your Mobile App Users

The past few years have been an exciting time for businesses and marketers with opportunities abound due to the explosive growth of mobile applications.

Mobile apps have created the incredible opportunity for marketing channels, but on the other hand, over the past few years brands have had to accept that consumers have found themselves in the drivers seat. They pick the subject matter they want to view and now have the opportunity to view it anytime or anyplace they want. Brands must understand this and create mobile offerings with this in mind.

Mobile apps have created the incredible opportunity

Mobile apps have created the incredible opportunity | Photo: Nichole Kasper (Flikr)

It is worth the effort – mobile is now more popular than TV for consuming content. In the US, we now average over 3 hours per day on our mobile devices.

How does your brand make sure it captures the interest of your potential users?

Think Like A Customer

Approach your mobile application development from the perspective of a consumer. All too often brands create a list of what they want to accomplish with a mobile app and never once stop to consider how their customers interact with their brand and what customers would want from their mobile app.

Look At The Data

Data collection has never been easier to do. With data you can not only understand your customers better, but also be able to communicate with them on their mobile device in a way that interests them. Modern customers have come to expect brands to understand their preferences and deliver information that it pertinent.


Delivering  personalized and relevant content to your users is the best way to increase and retain users. Brands that personalize content have seen not only an increase in user retention but also an increase in the duration of in-app session. Data can be used to improve user experiences.


Mobile marketing is about more than engaging with the customer, it’s also about doing it at the right time and in the right context. Location data is part of what makes mobile marketing so powerful. Retail outlets are a easy example to look at to see how to leverage the power of location data. Businesses that can deliver relevant continent about sales or new items when a customer is within 2-5 miles of a retail outlet has seen very impressive results.

Value To The Customer

If your application is not offering value for your customers, it will not get used. If your mobile applications are simply sales and marketing tools that don’t offer value to your customers,  you are basically telling customers that you want their money, but are not willing to build a relationship of trust.


Mobile Marketing To Millennials Doesn’t Have To Be Hard. Read These 3 Tips.

 91 percent of teens ages 13–17 go online using mobile devices

91 percent of teens ages 13–17 go online using mobile devices | Photo: Omar Jordan Fawahl (Flikr)

If your brand appeals to a younger market you probably already know by now that mobile marketing is crucial.

The numbers are somewhat staggering. According to Pew Research Center an astounding 91% of teens ages 13–17 go online using mobile devices, at least occasionally, while 73% of teens own smart phones. This isn’t occasional activity either, as 92% say they are on the Internet daily, while 23% say they use the Internet ‘almost constantly’.

But businesses need to understand that when marketing to Millennials it takes more than just understanding that they have embraced mobile devices.

When you start your mobile application development make sure you take into account specific tendencies of your audience.

Pew Research Center’s research describes Millennials as wanting to forge a distinctive path, while past generations tried to fit in or ‘be cool’, Millennials like to do things their own way.  Being less traditional than previous generations, research has found with Millennials that loyalty is harder to earn as they often question the norm.  Often the traditional advertising tactics don’t get through to Millennials.

How then do you market to Millennials?

Go Visual

Teens love visual content and mobile apps that have focused on visual content such as Instagram or Snapchat are a big hit with Millennials.

Be Real

The content you deliver needs to be real. Contrived efforts to impress them may not only fall flat but can backfire in terms of a social media backlash. Millennials respond negatively to things that feel fake.

Think Mobile First

Given the overwhelming importance of mobile to Millennials it is essential that your marketing is mobile-friendly and and that you take a mobile-first approach with content. If you are not preparing for your content to be viewed on a mobile device it might be displaying poorly and turning away perspective customers.

Some exciting examples of a using these principles are provided by Snapchat.

Stories, which is Snapchat’s most popular feature, lets users to string together a collection of photos and videos into a longer-form format that is a mix of user generated and brand generated content. Snapchat has also created Discover which showcases curated material from media publishers, like an interactive news magazine inside Snapchat. Each outlet releases a daily bulletin with a limited amount content that users can view or skip. This makes for an exciting opportunity for advertisers that might change the way many approach mobile advertising. Discover is built to showcase a blend of content, including images, video and what they call gorgeous ads.
